Saturday, October 26, 2013

Class on the 23rd

Had a great time this week, the training is beginning to step up and everyone seems to be enjoying it.

If you are interested in joining us.
Classes are held every wednesday from 7pm
the next class will be held at Oji sports center.

all details can be found via FB
Or you can email directly to

Thursday, October 17, 2013

October 16th Practice

On the 16th 4 people joined our class

I left the pads at home and we worked on our Taan sau drills straight through with no break.

Everyone worked hard and together we got some good foundations laid for using the Taan concept.

Next weeks class will be held at comista just outside sannomiya.
for more details please follow us at
or contact us at

thanks for reading.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Class on the 9th October.

Tonight`s class had 4 participants,
We were lucky to have a new gentleman come to our class all the way form Akashi!

Continuing with our basic padwork and partner drills.

if you are interested in taking part in one of our classes,
we meet every Wednesday from 7pm,
classes are open to EVERYONE, that includes you :).
you can contact Mike (先生) via

Saturday, September 21, 2013

7 Stages of Training

I sat down earlier today after training and tried to categorize the stages each student must undergo.

This is what i came up with...

Bearing in mind that at this point this might be total BS and i may regret this post later...

1. Center
In the case of VT, no student can progress without first having the basic understanding of this concept.

2. Structure
Since in all of Kung fu and really most everything else in life, how far we get depends on how strong a foundation we have in what it is we do.
I don`t see how VT is any exception, a tree with no roots will never survive in the Forest, your basic structure derived from a good solid stance is the key to everything else in VT.

3. Movement
Combining the first 2 points into point number 3 is essential, there is no way you can be good at fighting if you cannot move well. Movement means we must relearn the first 2 points over because once you start moving everything changes all the time.

4. Shifting and Angling
Point 3 must therefore be combined with points 1,2 and 4.
Learning how to shift, change angles and how this affects all the earlier points will lead to a good understanding of how to fight well.

5. Covering
This concept must replace blocking. In VT there is no time to Block, if you are under attack you can cover to give yourself a chance to start fighting back.

6. Entering
All of the above points are pretty meaningless without the mental readiness, Timing and co-ordination to be able to get into your opponents space and do some damage.

7. Finishing
This could mean running away from an ambush, or it could mean making the choice to fatally injure another human being in order to survive.
Either way it involves mental determination to make a snap judgement and see it through to the end.

So for the time being this is what i consider to be the 7 steps that  anyone looking to become an effective fighter must under take.

Of course each step in itself has different levels to achieve and always a higher goal to aim for.

inside these points you can find lessons in Attacking, speed, distance, timing, accuracy, strength, fighting intelligence, reflexes, problem solving etc.

But if you can get your mind and body around these 7 steps i am confident enough to say, that i think it will make you a good fighter.

Mike Daley



We practiced basic footwork, drilling the forward shuffle step,

short and long stepping,

stepping and punching and Pad work before drilling the moves in pairs and experimenting with Toi Ma footwork.

Then class was very enjoyable, a little tough for our beginners but they gave it their best and that is what counts.

Unfortunately due to the uneven number of students i had no time to take pictures, more footage of next class though.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Class of the 11th

Yesterday was a sunny day, 4 members of our club attended class

2 People came to watch the class, the man and woman expressed an interest and hopefully we will see them next week.

1 member was unaccounted for.

Class focused on VT foundations, the Kim Yeung ma, Center line punching and the beginning of lat sau jik chung and Musculoskeletal development.

Our close rang punching drill helped our members get their head around these core concepts and the importance of correct structure, relaxation and body alignment.

If you would be interested in joining one of our classes they will be held every wednesday night from 7pm

for more information 
contact us by email@
or checkout our Facebook page

Saturday, September 7, 2013

First class back.

This week i held the first VT class since the last one back in July.

We had only three in attendance,

It was a very interesting class.

The class format has been altered slightly to accommodate for the different levels of experience, we now have 2 student who have been training for 6 months, 1 student who has been training for almost 3 months and 3 beginners.

This week we did a basic punching drill with the pad.

We went through the 小年頭方 section by section.

And we started a new set of drills that will become the standard for all new students.

This week we did the first of the drills, the basic punching drill.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Taan sau

I picked up an important point about the taan sau when i was in the U.K.

the angle of your wrist makes a huge difference in terms of which muscles are being used.

Below is the Taan with the wrist straight, this is the "weak Taan"

Below is the Taan with the wrist angled, this is the best way...

This is the Taan- Dar idea of simultaneous attack and defense.
In the class we will have a chance to explain in more detail and to try them out.


I had a very Exciting and interesting trip back to the U.K.

Exciting because, i was able to catch up with almost all of my friends and family.

Interesting because, i was able to meet with my old class mates who are now all instructors.

I got a chance to meet with my first VT Instuctor and best of all got to Chi-sau with all of them.

It was really good to catch up and see how much everyone had grown and progressed over the years, if there is one thing i love, it`s progress.

So now back in Japan and ready to get things rolling again with our VT classes, can`t wait.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Last class of July, Last class of the Summer!

Well, you know how they say all good things come to those who wait...apparentley that is the case.

after 3 months with 1 disappointing turnout after another,
we were very blessed indeed to have 8 People enter into Wednesdays classroom.

We had 2 gentlemen from the USA and New Zealand respectivley.

a local gentleman from Kobe and a Local Lady all came to join our class as well as our 3 regular students.

It was a very enjoyable session indeed.

This was the last class until September the 4th.

I will be away in the U.K. until the end of August.

I will try to get at least one new video done for the blog whilst i am away.

Mind how you go


Friday, July 19, 2013

Class of the 17th

Wednesdays class.

more of a private lesson for Yuji than anything else.

Slow days are always a bit of a downer but, we have to count our blessings and be thankful.

So we got into our pad drills,

we have added the "laan sau" to the pad drills recentley, you can see a video of it Here:
We spent 20 minutes drilling our "Pauk", Punch, "Tan" and "Bong" sau Positions in with our "Kim Yeung Ma".

We went through the First Form, the 小年頭 or "Siu Nim Tao".

Because we had the time, we did some basic Knife reaction drills.

(Not as scary as it sounds, we use a rubber knife , safety first ;))

As always, at the end of the class we covered " Chi Sau". We are still working on Single hand.

Next week

 we will Use a different location...

We will meet at the Lobby at 7pm, Class will begin around 7:15pm.

Hope to see you there :).


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Blog RE, RE location.

If you are joining me from
then welcome.

For the rest of you Welcome back!

For a while the "Snakecranetiger" domain had lay dormant, but now i am back posting on here after being continually frustrated by and it`s highly unpredictable behaviour and generally limited functions (not to mention, it looked kinda boring).

So here i am again "snakecranetiger" blogging away, please stay tuned for news and class updates and of course more insights into Wing Chun, Boxing, Hung gar, Arnis, Grappling and the world of self defense.


Mike 118.